Welcome to

Society With a Vision

Welcome to

Society With
a Vision

Welcome to

Society With
a Vision

Our Mission

Is to establish a functional society which is knitted together at the grass roots to take leadership in overcoming poverty and disadvantage and deepening democracy for social, economic, cultural, and political development.

Our Values

Society With a Vision rests on the following beliefs:

  • We believe in mutual respect and thereby recognize the innate worth of all people and the value of their unique experiences.
  • We believe in equity and justice and we will work to ensure equal opportunity to everyone, irrespective of race, age, gender, class, ethnicity, disability, location and religion.
  • We believe in honesty and transparency and will be held accountable for the effectiveness of our actions and open in our communication.
  • We believe in solidarity with the poor, powerless and the excluded.  They will be the only bias in our commitment to improving poverty conditions.
  • We believe in the courage of conviction, encourage creativity, boldness, and innovation without the fear of failure as we work to make the greatest possible impact in the lives of the women.
  • We believe in humility and recognize that we belong to a larger movement fighting for the rights and welfare of every individual and their families

There are several ways you can get involved in our programmes. If you want to get involved contact us using our here using our form or if you are in Soroti visit our offices in Oderai plot 24 Ariko Road

Contact us

14 + 13 =

Society With A Vision
P.O. Box 669, Ntinda
Kampala 256
ph: +256 200 902 352